
Re-Evaluating Your Home & Auto Insurance (Part II): Auto Coverage in Austin, Texas

Auto Insurance Austin

In the first part of this series, we examined when and why you might want to re-evaluate your home insurance coverage. This time around, let’s examine some good reasons to take a fresh look at your auto insurance plan in Austin, Texas. A yearly review gives you regular opportunities to ask important questions such as:

How’s your liability coverage? If you were to hit a $50,000 car tomorrow, you much of that car’s value would be covered by your current policy? Even relatively modest new cars have only gotten pricier over the years, but your property damage liability hasn’t been adjusting itself upward to compensate. Don’t forget to look at your bodily injury liability levels as well

Does your collision coverage make sense? If you’re driving an old, high-mileage car valued at $3,000, do you really need to be covered for $10,000 in collision? You may want to ask us whether that chunk of your premium payment would do you more good pumped into, say PIP (Personal Injury Protection) or uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage. Or if your car has aged and depreciated significantly, you may benefit from gap insurance coverage to make up the difference.

Have your driving circumstances of history changed? If a ticket or accident triggered a rise in your insurance costs even though the rest of your record looks great, you might be able to negotiate a reduction. If you’ve moved from a rural community to the big city or vice versa, you may need more or less coverage to suit the danger level of your daily commute.

There’s really no bad time to review your auto insurance coverage, especially if there’s a chance you can get a better deal on your current coverage levels. Contact Brown Insurance Group in Austin, Texas, and let’s give your plan a tuneup!





Brown Insurance Agency

7700 W Highway 71, Ste 130
Austin, TX 78735

(512) 523-4002
Fax: (855) 357-5197

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